Egg Nutrition Facts

Just Egg Nutrition Facts – Calories and Nutritional Values

The egg is one of the most valuable foods. This is not surprising, because it is basically the basis and prerequisite for the future chick. Calories in Just egg nutrition facts, egg contains practically all nutrients, many vitamins and trace elements, and it contains the most complete protein of all foods. Two thirds of the fat contained are unsaturated. The biological value of the protein even surpasses that of milk and meat.

Calories in just Egg: Eggs are packed with healthy nutrients

Eggs are incredibly nutrient dense foods, containing even the highest quality dietary protein. The building blocks of egg protein, the amino acids, are more beneficial in composition than any other food apart from breast milk.

Therefore, chicken eggs are the benchmark for the value of dietary protein: they were given a biological value of 100, beef is 92 and cow’s milk is 90.

An egg contains about seven grams of protein, which is roughly evenly distributed between the white and yolk and contains all nine essential amino acids. Chicken eggs are also rich in the mineral’s potassium, calcium and iron and vitamins A, D, E and B group vitamins. The vitamin D content in particular is an advantage, as many people suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. 

Incidentally, the white egg has no significant fat or cholesterol content, but it does contain only traces of the vitamins mentioned. The vitamins are mainly in the yolk, which contains more fat and cholesterol. 

How many calories does an egg have?

A chicken egg contains around 80-100 calories, depending on its size. We usually use medium-sized eggs for cooking. So, Each of them weighs around 60 grams and contains around 90 calories and is made up of around one third protein and two thirds fat.

The carbohydrate content of an egg can be neglected, which is why it is also so popular for low-carb diets and weight loss. Because of their high fat content, eggs should still be eaten in moderation. The calorie content of scrambled eggs or omelets is quickly underestimated – especially when oil, ham or cheese are added. 

A possible variant, although not really recommended from the “waste point of view”: Use only one or two whole eggs – including the yolk – and only the almost fat-free egg white of the rest. Add fresh vegetables and egg dishes to long -lasting slimming food. 

What’s in an egg (60g):

  • about 89 calories
  • approx. 7.5g protein
  • approx. 0.4 grams of carbohydrates
  • approx. 6.5 g fat
  • approx. 240 mg cholesterol
  • Vitamin A, D, E, K, B vitamins, calcium and iron

How many eggs are allowed per day?

Chicken eggs have few calories and provide us with a lot of protein. Thus, protein it contains is the highest quality nutritional protein for human nutrition and can be utilized very well by our body.

Chicken Eggs: Calories and Nutritional Values

eggs100 g
cholesterol 373 mg
carbohydrates 1.9g
ice white13g
calcium50 mg
iron1.2 mg
magnesium10 mg
phosphorus216 mg
folic acid0.07
sodium144 mg
Vitamin A0.27 mg
Vitamin B60.08mg
Vitamin B120.31 mg
Vitamin D1.75mcg

Unlike protein from other foods, it can be 100 percent converted into body protein. Since an egg contains everything, it needs to produce a chick, it is clear that it performs very well in terms of nutrients, vitamins (especially A, D and B12) and minerals (especially iron).

How about the cholesterol?

For a long time, the egg was demonized because of its high cholesterol content. On the one hand, we now know that cholesterol is not only bad, as it is essential for the development of vessels and cells and the formation of growth and sex hormones.

On the other hand, the human organism also produces cholesterol itself. A healthy person can count on an automatic control mechanism. For example, if a lot of cholesterol is taken in with food, the body’s own production is automatically reduced, or the excretion of cholesterol through the intestines is increased.

A low-cholesterol diet without eggs is only partially suitable for positively influencing cholesterol levels (blood fat levels). Therefore, Consuming plenty of vegetables, fruit and whole grains with lots of dietary fiber has a much more positive effect on blood lipid levels and can do a better job of reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

So, nothing stands in the way of the “egg cone” this year. According to the Swiss Nutrition Society, one serving of protein is equivalent to 2-3 eggs. This means that theoretically you can eat 2 eggs each for breakfast, lunch and dinner with a clear conscience.

FAQs – the most frequently asked questions

How many calories does a fried egg have?

Frying a fried egg from an egg (size M) with a teaspoon of butter or oil (5 grams) consumes 106 kilocalories. A fried egg made from three eggs (size M) provides 243 kilocalories.

How many calories does a scrambled egg have?

Anyone who eats scrambled eggs for breakfast every day has probably wondered how many calories the dish has. Basically, one egg (M) provides 69 kilocalories, of which 6 grams are protein and 5 grams are fat. A scrambled egg made from three eggs (M) and a sip of whole milk weighs in at 262 kilocalories. Of these, 19 grams are protein and 20 grams are fat. Frying in a teaspoon of butter is included.

Knowledge to take away

Eggs are very nutritious and contain the best quality protein. The shorter the cooking time, the more nutrients are preserved – in the raw state, the nutrients are also not as easy for the body to utilize.

Despite being labeled as a cholesterol bomb, eggs have not been scientifically proven to increase the risk of heart disease in healthy people. Poached and boiled eggs are the lowest in calories, while fried eggs and poached eggs are the most nutritious because the cooking time is the shortest. In our next post we will discuss one stop nutrition

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